Attendance Policy:
Attendance will be calculated as follows:
- Tardy: recorded for a pupil who is absent less than 35 percent of the regularly scheduled school day.
- Full-Day Absence: recorded for a student who is absent more than 84 percent of the regularly scheduled school day.
- Half-Day Absence: recorded for a student who is absent 35 percent to 84 percent of the regularly scheduled school day.
Ways to Obtain Excused Absence:
- Parent note, 1 per semester
- Send an email to Debbie.collins@perry.kyschools.us
- Send an official doctor’s excuse or other documentation with the student to school
No Pass/no Drive:
No Pass/No Drive Statute (KRS 159.051):
Beginning August 1, 2007, any sixteen (16) or seventeen (17) year old applying for a driver’s license permit will be required to complete a school Compliance Verification form. The form is available in the Guidance Office.
If the student is not compliant, a form will not be issued.
If a 16 or 17 year old student accumulates nine (9) or more unexcused absences, the school will report the student as noncompliant via the web portal at the end of each semester.
A student shall be deemed academically deficient when he/she has not received passing grades in 3 out of 4 courses each semester.
Truancy & unexcused absences:
5 Unexcused absences - Truant8 Unexcused absences - Home Visit
9 Unexcused absences - No Prom/No Drive
10 Unexcused absences - Court Referral